Freelance editing + Writing Coach

Polished Packages

Query Critiques

Flat Package: your first page only (first impressions matter!), no query: $7

Matte Package: query letter only (two rounds): $30

Satin Package: your first page and query letter (two rounds on the query only): $35

Gloss Package: query letter and first 10 pages (two rounds on the query only): $50

Shine Package: query letter and first 50 pages (two rounds on the query only): $100


Developmental edit: I offer a full developmental edit in which I will read your manuscript in completion and focus on the big picture aspects—things that are working and areas that need revisiting. Things I look out for in this edit include: overall storytelling and structure, conflict, plot holes, character arcs/development, well-written dialogue, inconsistencies of any kind, and pacing. Along with notes made within the document, your edit will be returned with an in-depth letter of evaluation. Your letter will highlight each issue I found and provide solutions/alternatives to said issues.

I have very limited availability for this. Due to my own work, I can only take on two developmental/coaching clients a year and only one per half year.

Investment: 0.010 per word. For example, a manuscript with 100,000 words would cost $1,000.


The purpose of proofreading is to have fresh eyes thoroughly read and search for errors in typing and formatting. If a word is repeated, a space is doubled, or punctuation is missing, I will highlight the area with notes to correct before your final send-off. This service is surface-level editing and is especially recommended for self-publishers.

Investment: It can be very frustrating when shopping for a proofreader within budget after already spending thousands on previous editing. Because of this, I want to make it easier and more attainable for you. I will charge a flat rate of $400 to proofread any word count under 100,000 words. Any word count above 100,000 will result in an additional $1 per word. 

Let’s work together

Polish: (verb) to improve, refine, or add the finishing touches to.

For the past four years, I’ve not only been working on my first ever novel to see the public, but I’ve helped others do the same. Learning straight from some of the best agents and editors out there, I’ve had the best time critiquing query letters for traditional publishing and running developmental edits for the self-publisher.

Words are a passion driven so deep within my soul that it is the only interest that has never strayed or shifted throughout years of navigating life. Whether my own or someone else’s, my life will always be consumed by stories. My goal is to help you through it as your editor and writing coach. To take your work when you’re feeling spent and push it to the next level. To look at the work you spent months, maybe even years writing, with fresh eyes. And to polish them.